Maybe I'm writing now to avoid homework. Or maybe it's because I'm feeling a bit homesick tonight. Or maybe partly because I just looked at a friend's blog ( and it's like my favorite blog ever, but it always makes me sooo stinkin' nostalgic! that much (plus our names :) ) Nicole and I have in common. Or maybe because I still don't know how I feel about this whole college thing. I mean, I like it here. It's good to be back. buuuuut, it's also hard. I miss my family and community (have I ever mentioned that?) Plus, my gorgeous and wonderful roommate transferred, so I'm all alone for a while, which is kind of odd. So that plus who-knows-what-else seems to be taking over the part of my brain that's supposed to be figuring out Communications class. Maybe writing the distractions out will once again get them out of the way, for at least a little while.
Over New Years, I decided that during 2013, I want to laugh more, worry less, and love life. I remember Dad preaching a sermon about contentment, and he said the best cure to being discontent is being thankful instead.
So, here's to being content and loving life once again. A list of my favorites at the moment:
I'm thankful for a good school. A place to learn and stretch myself. ...hopefully the art of staying focused is one I'll improve this semester, even though I'm clearly not off to a good start! :/
I'm thankful for the mind God has given me, even though it has problems focusing.
I'm thankful to know what it is to truly miss home.
I'm thankful for surprise run-ins with friends I hadn't yet seen this semester.
I'm thankful for snowy evenings that make it so I get to sleep in and take cute pics!
I'm thankful for the tears that help me remember Mom and Dad and the depth of their love. Even though it hurts.
I'm thankful for sappy old country songs that make me think of Dad and how just about every love song was his song to Mom at some point.
I'm thankful for MilkyWay's (even though my figure may not be! hehe) because Mom loved them. Especially out of the fridge with a good, cold Coke.
I'm thankful for the prayers sent on my darkest nights that remind me God knows what's going on, and He is in control.
I'm thankful for the promises of a faithful God.
11" For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity." ~Jeremiah 29:11
So. I guess I really have quite a bit to be thankful for. I just have to "train my mind" as my sister's man says! Some day, all of this will make sense. For now, with the good Lord's help, I'll just enjoy the days--the moments--I'm given, and I'll be thankful.